Part of having a good security system for your home is looking out for your neighbors and knowing that they’re looking out for you! You can do this by organizing a neighborhood watch program for your community, and it may be easier to do than you think.
Here are some simple steps to take to get your own neighborhood watch up and running.
Recruiting for Neighborhood Watch
Start a conversation with your neighbors about the safety and security of your community. This will help you gage the interest there is in a neighborhood watch. Recruiting as many neighbors as possible will ensure the success of your community watch.
Reach Out to Your Local Law Enforcement
Inform your local law enforcement team of your neighborhood watch so they can assign a Crime Prevention Officer to mentor and train your team on how to effectively run and manage your neighborhood watch. Teaming with law enforcement achieves the best results because it helps them understand your community’s needs.
Develop Your Team and Your Action Plan
Choose a Neighborhood Watch Coordinator who will communicate with law enforcement. Then nominate block captains for each block that will communicate with members and attend monthly meetings.
Have Monthly Meetings
Your neighborhood watch team should meet each month for training, and to discuss pertinent issues that have occurred within your community. This is a great time for members to voice their concerns so they can be communicated to law enforcement.
Working together with neighbors and members of your community is one of the best ways to protect your home and neighborhood.
DigitalSafe Alarms is happy to help you take home safety one step further with a home security system. Contact us today to learn more by calling 720-941-6543, or reach us through our website online.
And to add extra security to your home, consider installing a wall safe to protect your valuables: